GPPA Pastoral Area

Great Park Pastoral Area

The Parish of St. Edward’s is one of four parishes which comprise the Great Park Pastoral Area (GPPA).

The other three parishes are in Maidenhead and Twyford:

St. Edmund Campion, 40 Altwood Road, Maidenhead, SL6 4PY: 01628-628274

St. Joseph’s, 36 Cookham Road, Maidenhead, SL6 7EG: 01628-783988

St. Thomas More, 105 London Road, Twyford, RG10 9EL: 0118 934 0854

During Lent and Easter 2011, the four Parishes of the GPPA will be jointly working to raise funds for the Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice.
More information about this charity and also the times for services in the GPPA Churches during Holy Week can be found in the latest Newsletter.

To view the latest Grand Park Pastoral Area Newsletter, please click here
GPPA Newsletter

Representatives of the Parish of St. Edward’s on the GPPA Council are:
Canon David Hopgood, Rev. George Young (Permanent Deacon), Pamela Bailey, Patsy Hastings and Andrew Mullan.

Contact with the members of the GPPA Council can be made via frmichael@